HomeForumsBMCO Talk – Beat It Here!Snap Judgments week 1


This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Chuck Deal 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    Shaun Paul
    Web Admin

    1. Hope you don’t have an off week for more than 1 guy
    2. There will be a lot of blowouts
    3. Hope your QB doesn’t get hurt
    4. White WRs catch a lot of balls?
    5. I never though I would type this sentence: I should have started Terrelle Pryor
    6. Yahoo has really changed with all these live projected points thing, I am not sure how I feel about it.



    I am so glad that I am able to drunkenly comment after precious tailgating and talk victorious rivalry week shit! I loved having a giants RB on IR score more points than Dirties staring RB. Victory is sweet and I pray I suckle on the supple tittie of victory again soon. GO ME and I BEAT YOU DIRT HELLZ YEAH
    This is what the forums are for so I welcome and will happily accept any shit my future opponents may have to sling. Go to hell Yahoo fantasy draft day projections that said I was gonna go 0-13 (YOU SHALL NOT PASS…. said like Gandalf)



    20th overall pick dishing out the Licken of a Lifetime


    Chuck Deal

    Thank goodness for Kap’s monster day, if I woulda lost cuz Richardson didnt get the ball I would have hated the browns more than i already do. If thats even possible.


    Chuck Deal

    also, bonus points are literally going to be the only way a team wins this year. I kinda like it!

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