HomeForumsBMCO Talk – Beat It Here!GBF Wars Episode #1

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    (This is a secret transmission coming to you from the Golden Boy Farm. Please stand by for important league information)

    There is a war gentlemen of the FFBMCO. It is happening now, all around us. It will decide the fate of our great league. The time to choose sides has come. We are the resistance. We are the Golden Boy Farm.

    Good evening gentlemen of the FFBMCO. I come to you tonight after more than a month of dodging the controls of league message boards by our deep state overlords. I come to you tonight to tell you our league founded of the purest pursuit of league domination has been corrupted by an elitist globalist tyrannical cuck regime emanating from the deepest levels of the league offices at 1433 Burkhardt Ave. I’m here to tell you to, WAKE UP!!!!!! THEY ARE TRYING TO TAKE YOUR LEAGUE AWAY FROM YOU!!!!!! THEY ARE TRYING TO STEAL OUR PROSPERITY, OUR LIBERTY, AND OUR PURSUIT OF GREATNESS THAT MAKES THE FFBMCO SO GREAT!!!!!!! I come to you tonight to address some pressing issues that have not been addressed by the lame stream league media propaganda machine.

    Issue #1

    2017 is the first year the original twenty charter members of the league did not all return. The Burkhardt Bandits and Default Team Name have mysteriously vanished from our league. What happened to them? What kind of conspiracy is this? Did they know about the deep state control of our league? Did they get to close to secrets our league overlords felt would comprise their control of us? I ask you gentlemen of the FFMBCO please ask these questions. These men are our brothers and we owe their memory not to accept the lame stream libtard excuses our leagues offices provide us. And if you are sitting back tonight thinking, oh there goes Joe again spouting of about conspiracy theories I remind you that Default Team Name won a title. SO IF IT COULD HAPPEN TO HIM IT COULD HAPPEN TO ANYONE!!!!!!! HOW LONG UNTIL THE BLACK HELICOPTERS OR BLACK VANS IN THE NIGHT HUSTLE AWAY ALL THE MEMORY OF YOUR TEAM?!!!!!!! AND THEN YOU’LL TAKE YOUR PLACE IN THE LEAGUE GRAVEYARD NEXT TO OUR FALLEN BROTHERS!!!!!! WAKE UP GENTLEMEN AND DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY!!!!!!!

    Issue #2

    And that brings us to our two new owners: LM’s Gamblers and Norahsaurus Rex. Who are these people invading our league? I know for years our dear beloved commissioner Brian Lilley Longville has cultivated a list of members to join our esteemed band of merry men if one of our brothers falls to the wayside. But today I have to ask is league office intentions to replace us all with easier owners to deal with? There are criminals, drug mules, rapists, murderers, and I’d imagine a few good people on that list. It is time to hold our overlords accountable before the replace us all with a bunch of MUTANT CUCK FAGGOT FROG LOVING DRONES WHO WILL FALL IN LINE WITH EVERY MANDATE THAT IS PASSED DOWN FROM 1433 BURKHARDT AVENUE!!!!!!! And for the Golden Boy Farm these moves were personal. The removal and replacement of league members meant the GBF had to relocate in the middle of the night like JEWS ESCAPING THE SS FROM THE RED RIGHT 88 DIVISION TO THE DRIVE DIVISON WHERE I HAVE TO COMPETE AGAINST LEAGUE OVERLORD LONGVILLE! WHY DON’T YOU STICK A KNIFE IN MY BACK AND CALL ME CAESAR! E TU BRUTUS? E TU?!!!!!

    Issue #3

    The commissioner race. Again brothers we were promised change, we were promised a real voice in the governance of our league. And again we see that our leadership goes to a pawn in the schemes of Brian Lilley Longville and Shaun Herrick. Our pawn this year is Dilinger, the globalist elite libtard the Golden Boy Farm used to chew up and spit out annually as a member of the Red Right 88 division. This is the man who now is tasked to stand up to our league overlords. LET’S JUST SEND LUKE SKYWALKER TO FIGHT DARTH VADER WITHOUT A LIGHT SABER!!!!!! WHEN WILL YOU PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!!!!! DOWN WITH THE COMMISIONER SYSTEM!!!!!!! DOWN WITH THE LEAGUE OFFICE!!!!!!!

    Now, just to calm us down, I’d like to tell you all about a great new product available to you all. We have it on our gbfwar.com website. It is organic teeth whitening tooth paste made from the finest paste harvested this fall from the Golden Boys. For only three payments of $99.99 we would like to ship you six months’ supply of this amazing product. Again this is organic tooth paste. It is harvested directly from the Golden Boys. No fluoride. No chemicals that are going to turn your kids gay. Only the frothy delightful paste produced by our Golden Boys. Act fast gentlemen, this product will go fast!!!! You don’t want to use the tooth paste given to us by our globalist elitist overlords that are full of chemicals and poison. I’ll guarantee to you today that your fantasy team will improve 20 points weekly when you start using our paste! CALL NOW!!!!

    All right, it is time to wrap this transmission up before the league office detects we have hijacked their transmission. The Golden Boy Farm at 2-0 (with no recognition from Brian Goebbels-Lilley-Longville) will continue our march to truth on this league. And this was after the Golden Boy Farm waxed Longville’s FunkyEngineThatCouldn’t in a week two matchup. This week brings us a matchup with another globalist cuck in Timmy Stiffler. The Golden Boy Farm intends to beat on Stiffler’s phony 2-0 Timmy Derp’s Derpers like our name is Mike Dixon and this week matchup is the floor of a town homes party. Man up Stiffler and bring your diapers cause it promises to get messy! A prideful welcome to the fight to Laquon Treadwell who joins the resistance as a feisty up-and-coming wr and a salute to Brandon Lafell who leaves the Farm after two unremarkable weeks but we will always respect his contribution to the farm and the resistance. Keep strong brothers!!!!! The resistance lives and it will be televised!!!!!!

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