This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  JoeS 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #446


    Happy New Year Folks,

    Sitting here “working”, just wanted to get this heaping pile of SHIT off my chest…

    I think big gay Brine and much bigger gayer charlie have had a secret pact for years. In 2005 Charlie helped Brine steal Amstel Light and Heineken from me- as payment Charlie said “Hi big gay Brine, toot these toots my prayshe, as payment for herrrkin yur durrr I want to be Vice Vice commish in our FFooseball league in 2013- DEAL!?” Brine, 6 deep already, replied “takweesht.”

    Years later….

    When it came time to “vote” for this 3rd spot, Marc (awesome) pulled ahead early until just a few ticks before the polls (arghh pole) closed Charlie somehow committed the robbery. I have smelled collusion since day one, of the Longville kind– the worst kind. I’m storming the gates to overthrow this absentee vice vice commish and I want blood. Saddam Hussein hanging type blood, and I won’t sleep until I get it.

    Yours Truly,

    Mr. Poo Puncher

    P.S. boogie, wherever you are, you SUCK at Red Faction.



    Charlie will never have my support or vote again!



    Charlie should not be allowed to run anything. The idea that he has a small family terrifies me! A public action committee should be created to stop this bear from every presiding over us again. I would also note that Longville/Sweeney collusion is absolutely the worst kind of collusion imaginable.

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