Here’s a spooky tale of terror…
It was a dark and stormy night. The Cleveland Browns still exist! BOO!
The end.

I hate this team.

FFBMCO trannnnnsition.
(robot noises)

Week 6 TIMEOUT! to Chuck Deal who tallied 67.3 little ones in his matchup vs Team Punisher. Yesterday Chuck Deal was lamenting at how lucky he is this season but let’s be honest, 67 points isn’t going to do it regardless of who you play. Side with Moppy.

Week 6 TIME IN! to FunkyEngineThatCould. Man, it’s not always the easiest to be the weekly high leader the same exact week my cousin is the weekly low loser BUT IT’S SO GODDAMN REWARDING!!!

Week 7 TIMEOUT! to LM’s Gamblerz who struggled with just over 53 points in his match vs..THE FUNKYENGINETHATCOULD. I saw LM hit a plethora of gorgeous shots on the links Saturday so he must have channeled all of his aura into golf instead of his team. God bless.

Week 7 TIME IN! to Daws Boot who killed it with 162.86 points. Matty Cole is celebrating 15 years of married bliss and the icing on the cake is this crowning achievement. Go Kent!

I’d be remiss not to mention a tardy CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME TO PLANET EARTH to young Aiden Kline, freshest FFBMCO 2nd gen-er by way of The Replacements. He was freshly hatched in Feb, fresh into our offseason and he makes 16?!? sons ready to come and TAKE ERRRRRRRRRRRRR JERRRRBBBBBBBBBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS some day.

Heading into our last week of CATCH’N FUN! let’s see where we’re at:
Tyreek Hill is a cheetah and he is a LM Gambler meaning he is the man to beat going into our last slate of games for this contest.

Finally, as we set sail into the weekend here are the current standings half way through…


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