Nothing like spoiling a legends’ last appearance in the home football stadium AMIRIGHT?!Clowns can still take their 4 wins and pound salt though.

Week 12 TIMEOUT! to Chesty McDoon’s and their 56.18 weekly low. Owner SPH has been stressed out about running a company Christmas party so that his underlings will appreciate and respect him and it seems to have costed him in FFBMCO results. HOW IS THIS PAINT BALL LESSON VOUCHER BETTER THAN AN i-POD?!?!?!?!?

Week 12 TIME IN! to King of Cleveland who earned top score with a 142.26 mark against his baby bro. Poor Big Matty M had to leave his own pony racing circle Saturday so the fates rewarded his sacrifice with a big FFBMCO win against his hearty rival.

The Thanksgiving themed contest was won by Daws Boot via Justin Fields. Our four top scorers were Joe Mixon/Joe Burrow/Justin Fields/Josh Jacobs.
Somehow Justin Fields outweighs all of them, so Matt Cole snagged an Amazon e-card in the amount Fields scored which was 48.38, delivered on Cyber Monday. Argh, wanna cyber?

With only two weeks left in the regular season (less than technically!), the final contest is our short one. It started last night and will run through MNF 12/12 (weeks 13 and 14).
It pays homage to the 3 Wise Men. It will be the highest scoring trio of QB/RB/WR for a team in one single week (not cumulative).
The prize is Frank Shirley’s tried and true tradition of enrolling a lucky person into the Jelly of the Month Club.
You can use it as a spread.
Make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches all year round.
Wow your holiday guests with your swanky jelly.
That’s the gift that keeps on giving the whole year.


And now to check in on the free-range children who are in the midst for Comeback of the Year…
comeback of the year

Dirt Mane +4
Leonard Washingtons +2
FunkyEngineThatCould +2
Poo Punchers +2

I cordially invite all 19 of you to come help me do the gutter lights on the ladder which starts promptly in 82 minutes.
Thanks in advance.


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